
Pre-harvest use of Glyphosate in DK

The Danish Ministry of Environment and Food has published changes to regulation BEK 815 - Executive Order of pesticides. The changes in the regulation, amend that pre-harvest treatments of glyphosate is prohibited in malting barley and other crops for consumption. Find the entire Executive Oder in Danish here.

Neonicotinoids: EFSA evaluates emergency uses

EFSA has examined the scientific basis for emergency authorisations of neonicotinoid pesticides which were granted in seven EU Member States in 2017. Read more

EU yield forecasts revised downwards

According to the crop monitoring Bulletin for Europe , yield forecasts for all winter crops, grain maize, and sunflowers were revised downwards at the EU level, mainly as a consequence of unusually warm and dry conditions in central, eastern and northern Europe.

Agriculture and Fisheries Council, 18 June 2018

The Council had the opportunity of a first formal exchange of views on the Commission proposals to reform the Common Agricultural Policy after 2020. The proposals, presented on 1st June, outline a new delivery model for the CAP in which member states would have more flexibility to tailor make their decisions and adapt them to local circumstances. Ministers welcomed various elements of the proposals but expressed concerns about the cuts proposed by the Commission to the CAP budget in general and rural development in particular, and were sceptical as to the capacity of the new CAP to deliver genuine simplification for national authorities and farmers. Outcome of the Council meeting

Post-2020 CAP: MEPs express reservations on Commission’s proposals

Draft EU laws on post-2020 EU farm policy as tabled by the EU Commission on 1 June lack ambition and a proper budgetary backing, Agriculture MEPs told Commissioner Phil Hogan Monday evening (11 June). MEPs laid out their position on the post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) reform in a resolution the European Parliament adopted on 30 May. Read more