
Future of EU farming: MEPs push for modern common policy with fair funding

MEPs set out yesterday (30 May), by 468 votes in favour to 123 against, with 89 abstentions, their priorities for the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for after 2020. The non-binding resolution responds to the Commission’s paper on the future EU farm policy and seeks to influence the upcoming legislative proposals on the CAP reform, which are expected tomorrow (1 June). Read more

Commission adopts new rules on labelling origin of primary ingredients in food

The European Commission has adopted the new rules on labelling the origin of the primary ingredient in food which were endorsed by a vote by the Member States. Under the Regulation on food information to consumers, the origin of primary ingredient must be indicated if different from the origin of the food in order to not deceive consumers and to harmonise the presentation of such information. More information

European Commission has proposed measures to facilitate water reuse in the EU for agricultural irrigation

The European Commission has proposed new rules to stimulate the use of non-potable water for agricultural irrigation and boost public confidence that food produced with the reclaimed water is safe for consumption. Read more

Czech farmers clash over proposed CAP subsidies capping

The European Commission’s proposal to cap agricultural payments and provide more support for small farms has divided farmers in the Czech Republic. But there are other issues they should focus on, such as the ageing rural population and the challenges of modern technologies. Read the original post

Modernising the CAP: satellite data authorised to replace on-farm checks

As part of its ongoing move to simplify and modernise the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the European Commission has adopted new rules that will for the first time expressly allow a range of modern technologies to be used when carrying out checks for area-based CAP payments. This includes the possibility to completely replace physical checks on farms with a system of automated checks based on analysis of Earth observation data. Read more