On 15/02/2021, the Commission launched feedback on supplementary trade rules in organic farming. The aim of the initiative is to prepare a delegated regulation to supplement the business rules on organic food. The consultation is open until 15/03/2021, available here.
On 17/02/2021, the Commission launched feedback on Integrated farm statistics as regards the financial framework. The initiative aims to adapt statistics to the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027. The consultation is open until 17/03/2021, available here.
On 15/02/2021, the Commission launched feedback on updating EU legislation on Economic accounts for agriculture. The purpose of the initiative is to update the EU Regulation on the economic accounts for agriculture by introducing formal arrangements for regional accounts up to NUTS 2 level; adding a quality reporting requirement; and relaxing the deadline for transmission of second estimates for national economic accounts for agriculture. The consultation is open until 12/04/2021, available here.
Seven European countries (BE, FR, DE, LU, NL, ES and CH) undertook on 12/02/2021 to facilitate the introduction of nutrition labelling on the front of food packaging through NutriScore, through a transnational coordination mechanism. The aim is to facilitate the use of labelling by producers in the food sector, to help small businesses, and to maintain contacts with consumers. However, not all European countries support NutriScore. This marking is criticized by IT or SE, which promote their own established marking systems.
More information is available here and here.
The French government is finalizing negotiations with actors of the food supply chain to set a minimum price for certain food products. The expected result of the new regulation should be to ensure an adequate share of value added for primary producers as well - i.e., to set prices so that producers' income corresponds to production costs. The year-long negotiations should end on 01/03/2021, disagreements in the parties' views persist. The new regulation should set minimum prices for the next twelve months. Companies in the food chain could subsequently face sanctions if they do not sign the food price agreement by the end of the negotiation period.
More information is available here.
In March, France will submit to the European Commission for review an amendment to the law on transparency of information on agricultural and food products, which was adopted last year. The amendment to the law prohibits the use of any names used to describe foods of animal origin as well as for their plant-based alternatives. The aim of the Commission's scrutiny, carried out through the TRIS transparency system, is to prevent distortions of the single market by national legislation which could conflict with these rules.
More information is available here and here.
A webinar entitled Future of Plant-Based Proteins focusing on new trends in the market for plant-based food alternatives and on food service trends will take place on 31/03/2021. A webinar on Sustainable PET Bottle Innovation for Brand Distinction and Competitive Advantage, including a discussion of food market developments, will take place on 18/03/2021. Registrations are still open.
More information and registration possible here and here.