
Agriculture and Fisheries Council

The Council had an exchange of views on the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In particular ministers shared ideas on how the priorities of the future CAP identified in the Presidency paper can be achieved and on whether there should be a rebalancing of direct support and rural development. Simplification was generally highlighted as an overall priority for future policies in order to release the full economic potential of EU farming and rural areas. Other issues indicated as priorities were: building resilience, responding to environmental challenges, investing in rural viability and vitality, ensuring generational renewal, maintaining a market orientation and strengthening farmers' position in the food chain.

France supported the setting of a specific target for the reduction of pesticide use and the inclusion of this target in the European Green Deal

French Minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume at the Council of Ministers held on 27/01/2020 called for a specific target of 50% reduction in pesticide use by 2025 and for the inclusion of this target in the European Green Deal. The agreement contains neither specific targets for pesticide reduction nor requirements to reduce the volume of pesticide sales. France has set a national commitment to reduce pesticides by 50%, but it is not yet clear whether it can meet it. According to the French Minister, the Commission should establish its own legislative framework for the reduction of pesticides outside the CAP rules.
More information is available here.