
In response to the European Parliament's draft opinion on Farm to Fork, Copa and Cogeca supported the strengthening of the economic sustainability of agricultural holdings and rejected the introduction of a mandatory food labelling system on the front of pack

The EP Committees on Agriculture and Rural Development (COMAGRI) and on the Environment (COMENVI) have published a draft common position on the Farm to Fork strategy in recent weeks. In response to the draft opinion, EU largest agricultural organization, Copa and Cogeca, said it was essential to focus first and foremost on strengthening the economic sustainability of farms. Copa and Cogeca also call for an impact assessment of the new strategy on the economic sustainability of farms, farmers' incomes, and food security. Parliament is invited by Copa and Cogeca to incorporate amendments aimed at environmental sustainability (the need to reward those farmers who have already implemented more environmentally sustainable solutions and practices, while other farmers should allow Copa and Cogeca to move towards sustainability) and industrial agriculture (In its proposal, Parliament states that industrial companies with a negative impact on the environment should not be eligible for funding to combat climate change or incentives; Copa and Cogeca reject this proposal and propose that it be deleted altogether). The agricultural organization is also responding to the issue of promotion programs - stating that promotion programs should cover the full range of agricultural products, while motivating the move to sustainable production. Copa and Cogeca also reject the introduction of nutrient profiles and mandatory nutrition labelling on the front of food packaging, proposing to introduce "harmonized" labelling instead of "mandatory". The setting of nutrient profiles is also rejected by the European Association of Sugar Processors in its own position. Copa and Cogeca also propose to delete the focus on promoting plant-based diets. Environmental NGOs, including BirdLife Europe, have already spoken out against Copa and Cogeca's view, saying Copa and Cogeca's opinion ignores scientific knowledge about the state of the environment, and calls for a Farm to Fork impact assessment on the agricultural sector is only an effort to delay goals.

The Commission adopts feedback and opinions on the revision of marketing standards for agricultural products, and the sustainable use of pesticides

On 19/01/2021, the Commission launched feedback on the revision of EU marketing standards for agricultural products. The initiative aims to adjust standards to encourage the supply of more sustainable products to consumers, simplify existing legislation and align EU rules with the Lisbon Treaty. The consultation is open until 16/02/2021, available here.

On 18/01/2021, the Commission launched feedback on the sustainable use of pesticides. The initiative will review the achievement of targets to support the use of less pesticides to date and will use aggregate data to further reduce the use of pesticides under the Farm to Fork and Green Deal targets. The Commission plans to complete the evaluation of pesticide use in the second quarter of this year, publish an impact assessment at the end of 2021, and adopt new legislative proposals in early 2022. The consultation is open until 12/04/2021, available here.

Standing Committee on Agricultural Research: Member States risk neglecting EU Green Deal targets due to priority focus on tackling current coronavirus crisis, Committee proposes introduction of ambitious 75% reduction target for pesticides by 2050 and reduction of meat consumption

The Standing Committee on Agricultural Research (SCAR), set up by the European Council in 1974 to provide expertise and support to Member States and the Commission, issued a press release on 18/01/2021 on the implementation of the EU Green Deal during the current coronavirus crisis. In its report, SCAR warns that Member States could neglect the objectives of the Green Deal due to the priority focus on tackling the coronavirus crisis. According to SCAR members, the solution could be to set ambitious targets for 2050, not just 2030, as set by the Farm to Fork strategies and for biodiversity under the European Green Deal. SCAR calls on the Member States to commit themselves without delay to reducing 81% of phosphorus and 75% of pesticides used in agriculture by 2050. According to SCAR, clear goals should also be set in nutrition - by 2050 the average BMI (body mass index, overweight / obesity indicator) should be reduced, and meat consumption should be reduced as well (according to SCAR, Europeans now consume two and a half to three times more than recommended). SCAR has expressed support for the circular economy, agroecology, innovation, investment, and consumer awareness.
More information is available here.

Germany will end the mass killing of male chicken by the end of 2021

Germany is the first country to end the mass killing of one-day-old male chickens (roosters). The measure was approved by the German government on 20/01/2021 based on a bill submitted by the Minister for Agriculture, Julia Klöckner. The law must now be approved by the Bundestag and should enter into force by the end of 2021. Julia Klöckner considers stopping this practice to be an important step towards strengthening animal welfare.
More information is available here and here.

Representatives of German farmers support the inclusion of mandatory origin and farming designations in the information provided to consumers on food packaging

Representatives of German farmers, including the German DBV, supported the inclusion of mandatory origin and farming designations in the information provided to consumers on food packaging, which they said could strengthen the promotion of sustainable regional and local production and farmers' incomes. The proposal is a response to the long-term low prices of agricultural production in Germany. The proposal bearing the working title "German Bonus" has already received the support of the Minister of Agriculture in Lower Saxony, it will be presented at the German Conference of Ministers of Agriculture in March 2021.
More information is available here.