On 05/03/2021, the European Commission agreed with the United States to suspend all duties imposed in connection with the Airbus and Boeing disputes, tariffs will be suspended for four months. During this period, both parties will seek a longer-term solution to the dispute. The United States has imposed tariffs on imports from the EU of up to $7.5 billion, while the EU has imposed tariffs on imports from the USA of €4 billion.
More information is available here.
The EU-Mercosur trade agreement is unlikely to be ratified under the Portuguese Presidency. According to Portuguese Foreign Minister Augusto Santos Silva, it is realistic to clarify sustainable development in Brazil, but French Trade Minister Franck Riester does not want to rush the agreement. A key condition for France's ratification of the agreement is to guarantee the introduction of legislation that will objectively and measurably control deforestation in Brazil.
The European Parliament has published amendments to the draft opinion of the EP Committees on Agriculture (COMAGRI) and the Environment (COMENVI) on Farm to Fork strategy. A total of 2297 amendments were tabled, which is why it was decided last week to postpone the vote from April to 03/06/2021. Several MEPs' amendments aim to carry out an assessment of the impact of the Farm to Fork strategy on the agricultural sector, but there is also strong support from COMENVI members for reducing meat consumption and taxing certain foods. Polish MEP Sylwia Spurek (S&D) together with Anja Hazekamp (GUE / NGL, NL) called for a reduction in meat consumption, the total volume of protein intake should be reduced by 10 to 15%, and the proportion should be 40% animal and 60% vegetable proteins. MEPs emphasized the need to introduce a real food price to ensure that food prices reflect the real costs of addressing negative externalities, through respect for the "polluter pays" principle. The VAT system should also be better set up for this purpose.
On 24/02/2021, the European Commission adopted a new European strategy for adaptation to climate change, the strategy identifies progress in preparing for the inevitable impacts of climate change. The new strategy is based on the strategy from 2013, but offers new possible solutions and their implementation, and reflects the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. According to the Commission, all sections of society and all levels of government must be involved in climate adaptation, and adaptation measures must be based on reliable data and risk assessment tools for all. The Commission will reflect on adaptation measures in all relevant EU policy areas, and cooperation should be strengthened both regionally and internationally. By 2050, the EU should be a climate-resilient society, fully adapted to the inevitable effects of climate change. The European Commission emphasizes the need to enhance species diversity and mentions the disadvantages associated with the fragmentation of landscape elements. Drought adaptation measures include sustainable (re)use of water, management of land and land cover, preference for drought-resistant plant species, or vertical agriculture. The Commission also emphasizes the importance of including climate adaptation measures in the CAP Strategic Plans, stating that precision agriculture could be one of the possible measures to be supported. The largest European agricultural organization, Copa & Cogeca, welcomed the new strategy, emphasizing the importance of new breeding techniques and precision agriculture as one of the options for adapting to climate change in agriculture.
More information is available here, here, here, and here.
The European Commission plans to present a new EU Action Plan for Organic Farming on 31/03/2021, the Action Plan will be a part of the European Green Deal, complementing the Farm to Fork and Biodiversity strategies. Both strategies equally set the goal of expanding the area of organic farming to 20% of the area of agricultural land by 2030. The Action Plan for Organic Farming should help meet this goal. In the Action Plan, the European Commission will focus mainly on three areas, i.e. strengthening the demand and consumption of organic products (including focusing on strengthening the visibility of European organic labelling, or focusing on public procurement in the field of food supply to schools, canteens or hospitals). ), to strengthen and support production (here the Commission will focus on linking with the CAP Strategic Plans), and strengthening the contribution of the organic farming sector to environmental protection and sustainability. The European Commission has almost drafted the Action Plan, it is currently the subject of an internal discussion within the Commission, according to the available information, the proposal still lacks specific goals or deadlines for achieving these goals. Elena Panichi (Head of Organic Farming) and her representative Henri Delanghe are involved in the preparation of the Action Plan by DG AGRI. The European NGO representing organic farmers IFOAM has called on the Commission to introduce mandatory public procurement rules for all European schools, nurseries, and public canteens to increase the supply of organic products in these establishments, and the share of organic production in public canteens should then increase every year. IFOAM also proposes linking the CAP with measures to support organic farming, and the European organic production labelling scheme should be revised.