
Parliament narrowly adopts pesticide ban for ‘ecological areas’

The European Parliament on Wednesday (14 June) narrowly endorsed a ban on the use of pesticides on arable land set aside for nature conservation, prompting environmental groups to call for a rethinking of how the bloc’s multi-billion agricultural policy is decided. Learn more.

The Estonia’s Presidency priorities of the Ministry of Rural Affairs include discussions on the future Common Agricultural Policy

The priorities of the Ministry of Rural Affairs during the presidency include the future of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), issues concerning agricultural markets and improvement of the position of agricultural producers in the food supply chain, combating antimicrobial resistance and focusing on agricultural soils. Read more.

Have your say on the future of the CAP! Registration open for 7 July conference

Registrations are now open for the conference on the common agricultural policy on 7 July in Brussels that will share the conclusions of the consultation and give attendees the chance to continue the debate with Phil Hogan, EU commissioner for agriculture and rural development. Learn more.

EU Platform lays out ‘actionable’ animal welfare priorities

On 6th of June was inaugurated the EU Platform on Animal Welfare by EU Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis. The Platform takes into account the concerns of EU citizens to advance animal welfare. Website of the platform is available here.

Borissov accuses EU of ‘apartheid’ over lower quality food in Eastern Europe

Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov on Saturday (27 May) called an extraordinary cabinet meeting over two issues, one of them being the practice of big companies to market the same brands of products with big differences in quality between Eastern and Western Europe. Source: .