
European Commission: EU agri-food exports maintain strong performance

EU agri-food exports were €10.6 billion in April 2017, a level equal to the average of the last four years. The latest figures show that the highest increases in monthly export values (April 2016 compared to April 2017) were recorded for Turkey (+ €87 million) and Korea (+ €86 million). Other gains in EU agri-food exports came mainly from Asia (Philippines, Singapore and Indonesia). Monthly exports to China, the USA, Egypt and Algeria decreased. As with the previous month, the biggest growth in exports came from milk powder. Full details.

Member states step up calls for agri-food supply chain legislation

Agriculture ministers Marián Jurečka from the Czech Republic, Gabriela Matečná from Slovakia and Dejan Židan from Slovenia have stepped up their calls for EU-wide legislation on unfair trading practices in the agri-food supply chain, urging the European Commission to bring forward strong legislative proposals “as quickly as possible”.

Palm oil sector moves to save orangutans and put child rights into RSPO standards

Three major new initiatives have been launched to tackle human rights, wildlife conservation and concessions’ data across the palm oil supply chain. Learn more.

Council conclusions on the EU Action Plan for nature, people and the economy

The Council adopted conclusions on the EU action plan for nature, people and the economy. The plan will improve the implementation of the nature directives so that they deliver their full potential. Ministers expressed support for the EU action plan, which aims to address several identified implementation gaps identified through four priority areas and 15 concrete actions. These conclusions signal the EU's strong commitment to protecting species and natural habitats and to making progress towards the EU 2020 goal of halting and reversing the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Learn more.

New tool enhances price transparency along the food supply chain

Eurostat has now launched a new food price monitoring tool visualising the development of agricultural prices, import prices and producer and consumer prices, broken down by product categories and/or country. The tool can show to what extent price increases and decreases are transmitted from one stage of the supply chain to the next, what impact they have and how quickly. The Food Price Monitoring Tool is available here.