
MEPs demand glyphosate phase-out, with full ban by end 2022

European Parliament backed a full ban on glyphosate-based herbicides by December 2022 and immediate restrictions on the use of the substance, on Tuesday. The non-binding resolution was adopted by 355 votes to 204, with 111 abstentions. EU member states will vote on a Commission proposal to renew the marketing authorisation of glyphosate on Wednesday. Read more.

European Commission's latest agri-food trade figures: Russia ranks fourth biggest export market for EU products

This month's report focuses on agri-food trade with Russia. After an initial drop, both in banned products and non-banned products, EU exports of non-banned products to Russia resumed growth and reached € 6 299 million in the period September 2016 to August 2017, which represents an increase in value by 14% compared to the previous period. This brings back Russia now to be the 4th biggest export destination for EU agri-food products, just before Japan. The full report is online.

Commission published report from the latest round of trade negotiations between the EU and Mercosur

The Commission's report from the latest round of trade negotiations between the European Union and Mercosur is now online. The Commission has also made available online its negotiating proposal on the enforcement of the trade and sustainable development chapter. Both publications come as part of the Commission's commitment to a more transparent trade policy. Other EU negotiating proposals for an agreement with Mercosur are available here.

ENVI MEPs call for complete glyphosate ban in 2020

Yesterday (19 October) members of the European Parliament’s environment, public health and food safety committee adopted a resolution calling for a total ban on the weed killer from 2020. It will be put to a vote in the Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg next week. EU member states will vote on the renewal of the glyphosate licence on 25 October.

European Council: Brexit negotiations

On 20 October, the European Council (Article 50), in an EU 27 format, reviewed the state of Brexit negotiations and adopted conclusions. EU27 leaders called for more progress regarding citizens' rights, the Irish border, and financial obligations and agreed to start internal preparations for the second phase of the Brexit talks.