
Commission to focus on growth markets for EU agri-food products in 2018 promotion programmes

The Annual work programme was adopted today (15 November), and as in previous years will allow EU funding from the common agricultural policy budget to be used to co-finance promotional campaigns for EU agri-food products. A total of €179 million will be available for promotion programmes selected for EU co-financing in 2018, compared to €142 million in 2017. The calls for proposals for specific campaigns will be published in January 2018. More information

Glyphosate: Agriculture MEPs and Commissioner Andriukaitis clash in heated debate

Sustainable use of pesticides and ways to tackle antimicrobial resistance were debated by Agriculture MEPs and Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis on Monday evening. The debate on pesticides soon turned into a heated discussion on next steps for glyphosate, a widely used but highly controversial plant protection product, whose authorisation for use in the EU expires on 15 December 2017. Read more.

Agriculture can rein in emissions ‘immediately’, says UN

The global agricultural sector can curb emissions immediately and provide a window for fossil fuel-guzzling energy and transport sectors to decarbonise before global warming spirals out of control, the United Nations said on Friday (10 November). Read the original post.

Brexit: EP outlines its red lines on latest UK citizens’ rights proposals

Major issues still need to be addressed to secure equal and fair treatment for EU citizens in the UK after Brexit, stresses the European Parliament’s Brexit Steering Group, chaired by Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE, BE). Read more.