
EC's latest short term outlook report: recovery in EU cereal production

EU cereal production is expected to recover slightly in the year ahead, although levels are likely to remain below average. The report also predicts that the quality of the cereal crop is expected to be mixed, and that world and EU prices are not projected to rise due to abundant supplies.The full report, with in-depth analysis by market, is available here.

European Parliament block definition of endocrine disruptors

MEPs blocked today (4 October) a European Commission proposal to create a definition of which chemicals are so-called endocrine disruptors, and subject to EU rules. The European Commission will therefore have to draft a new version of the text, taking into account Parliament's input. The Commision's proposal can be read here.

EP's ComAgri calls for exclusion of sensitive farm products from Australia & New Zealand trade talks

The European Parliament’s Agriculture and Rural Development Committee has approved two opinions on trade negotiations with Australia and New Zealand. The documents are available here and here.

Coming up in Strasbourg: Brexit

During Parliament’s first plenary sitting of October, MEPs will take stock of the progress in the Brexit talks. A draft resolution on the progress in the first four rounds of Brexit talks with the UK will be voted on Tuesday. The EU wants to see significant progress on three specific issues before it starts discussions on the future relationship, namely citizens’ rights, the financial settlement, and Ireland.

The end of the sugar production quotas in the EU

The situation for the coming post quota years is analysed in the Commission's medium term outlook report. This outlook estimates that between 2016 and 2026 sugar production will increase by 6%. Isoglucose production could triple from 700 000 tonnes to 2.3 million tonnes. Imports will continue to drop from 3.0-3.5 million to 1.8 million tonnes and exports are expected to increase from 1.3 million tonnes to 2.5 million tonnes. Read more