
Member States invited the European Commission to submit a study on new breeding techniques by the end of 2020

Ambassadors of the EU Member States invited the new European Commission to present a study on the Union's possibilities to update existing legislation on the production and marketing of plant reproductive material by 31/12/2019. The study could then be followed by a Commission legislative proposal. The study should take into account the current Directive 2001/18 on the deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms and the European Court of Justice decision of July 2018 that new breeding techniques must be considered GMOs. The position of the ambassadors should be formally adopted by the ECOFIN Council on 08/11/2019.
More information is available here.

Agricultural exports grew by 6%, especially exports of wheat, pork and milk powder

On 24/10/2019, the European Commission published a summary of agricultural exports until August 2019. In August 2019, exports increased by 5.6% (EUR 12.07 billion) compared to August 2018. On the contrary, imports fell by 0.2% to EUR 9.14 billion. For the whole period from September 2018 to the end of August 2019, exports increased by 6% compared to the same period of 2017-2018, reaching EUR 145.1 billion. Imports increased by 3% to EUR 118.6 billion in the last 12 months to the end of August 2019. Exports to China (+ 33.4%) and the USA (+ 9.9%) were the strongest, while Hong Kong (- 21%) and Libya (- 59%) recorded the largest declines. As regards commodities, exports of wheat (+ 39%), pork (+ 36%), milk powder (+ 26%), liqueurs and spirits (+ 12%), and cheeses (+ 15%) were the strongest. On the other hand, exports of live animals (- 27%) and sugar and sugar cane (- 57%) decreased.
More information is available here.

Early elections in the UK will take place on 12/12/2019; Britain should leave the European Union by 31/01/2020

Members of the British Parliament approved the date of early elections on 29/10/2019, which should take place on 12/12/2019. This will be the third election in the last four years. The decision of the British Parliament followed the decision of the EU Member States, which on 29/11/2019 agreed to postpone the deadline for the UK's withdrawal from the EU by 31/01/2020 at the latest.

The European Council still does not agree on the European Union budget beyond 2020, Finland proposes a budget of between 1.03 and 1.08% of the European Union's gross national income, Member States are still inconsistent

The Presidents and Prime Ministers of the EU Member States met at the European Council in mid-October, one of the topics discussed was the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) - the European Union budget for the period 2021-2027. Last year, the European Commission proposed an EU budget of 1.114% of gross national income (GNP), and the European Parliament called for a budget increase of 1.3% of GNP. Meanwhile, the Finnish Presidency proposes a budget between 1.03% and 1.08% of GNP. The European Commission supported Member States to adopt a budget agreement by the end of this year, but no agreement was reached within the October European Council - negotiations will continue within the December Council (12-13/12/2019). However, a number of Member State representatives stressed the need to provide support for cohesion policy and the CAP; one third of the budget should be earmarked for cohesion, one third for the CAP and one third for the other programs. According to Portuguese Prime Minister Antónia Costa, Member States' differing positions persist; ES, DK and AT support the reduction of the budget proposed by the Commission from 1.114% of GNP to 1% of GNP; HR, IT, LT, MT, SK, SI and ES support the European Commission's proposal, i.e. a budget of 1,114% of GNP. The Irish Prime Minister said that Ireland is willing to consider the Finnish Presidency's proposal, i.e. a budget between 1.03 and 1.08% of GNP, but rejects the proposal to cut the budget for the CAP. Greece supported the European Parliament's proposal for a budget of 1.3% of GNP. The vote on the budget must be unanimous, so all Member States must agree.
More information is available here.

Maciej Golubiewski should be head of the Cabinet of the new Commissioner for Agriculture

Janusz Wojciechowski, new Commissioner for Agriculture, appointed Maciej Golubiewski as Head of Cabinet last week. Golubiewski is currently serving as Polish Consul in New York. In the past, however, he also worked in the European Commission, primarily interested in foreign policy - especially in the areas of East Africa and the Indian Ocean. He has no experience in agriculture, but his experience in diplomacy is broad.