
According to the Committee of the Regions, the specific needs of rural areas must be at the heart of the new Common Agricultural Policy after 2020, with adequate funding for rural areas

Last week, the European Committee of the Regions (ERC) called on the European Commission to implement measures under the new post-2020 CAP that take into account the specific requirements of rural areas, and the Commission should also ensure adequate funding for rural areas through the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI). Rural areas, mountain areas and remote areas should be at the centre of the reformed CAP and cohesion policy after 2020, according to the ERC. German MEP Ulrike Müller (Renew Europe) also participated in the conference to support sufficient budget, infrastructure development and Internet availability connecting in rural areas, generational changeover or strengthening support for small and medium-sized farmers.

The circular economy should be a key priority of the European Commission's Green Agreement

The circular economy should be a key priority of the forthcoming European Green Agreement of the new European Commission. The main points of the 2015 circular management action plan were the ban on disposable plastic products and the requirement for recyclability of at least 70% of packaging material, including a reduction of 55% of the plastic volume. The European Commission is now preparing a new action plan focusing on climate and reducing carbon emissions to zero by 2050. In October, EU Member States adopted Council conclusions on the circular economy, including planned future requirements, calling on the Commission to take action in sectors not yet affected by regulation, such as the textile, transport, food and construction sectors. The draft European Green Agreement should be presented within 100 days of the launch of the new European Commission.
More information is available here.

French and Romanian Commissioners-designate approved by European Parliament committees, Hungarian candidate will have to answer additional written questions from MEPs

The European Commission was due to start after the takeover of the mandates on 01/11/2019, but after the rejection of three candidates from France, Hungary and Romania during the October public hearings, the takeover of the mandates was postponed until 01/12/2019. In recent weeks, states have introduced new candidates; the Internal Market Commissioner should become French candidate Thierry Breton, the Transport Commissioner Romanian candidate Adina Vălean, and the Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Hungarian candidate Olivér Várhelyi. Public hearings in the relevant Committees of the European Parliament took place on 14/11/2019, EP committees approved candidates from France and Romania, the Hungarian candidate has not yet been approved, additional written questions from MEPs will have to answer. The European Commission also sent a formal letter to the United Kingdom, which, according to the Commission, breached the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union by not proposing its own Commissioner-designate. United Kingdom should submit its opinion by 22/11/2019.
More information is available here and here.

The Council of the European Union adopted the Consumer Protection Directive

On 08/11/2019, the Council of the European Union officially adopted the Omnibus Consumer Protection Directive, which was tentatively agreed with the European Parliament in March 2019. The Directive updates EU consumer protection law and facilitates the enforcement of consumer rights, including laying down stricter measures against unfair or misleading commercial practices, unfair contract terms, or dual quality food. Following the adoption of the Directive, Member States have 24 months to implement the measures necessary for implementation. The measures will take effect 6 months later. However, some MEPs are dissatisfied with the rules on dual quality food and are ready to call for amendments to the Directive as part of a revision that will take place 2 years after the Directive enters into force.
More information is available here.

The European Commission has launched a public consultation on GIs

On 04/11/2019, the European Commission launched a public consultation on EU food quality systems; farmers and their organizations may be involved; consumers and consumer organizations; processors and processors' organizations; merchants, wholesalers, retailers; public authorities responsible for implementing EU quality schemes in EU Member States; and the general public. Consultation focuses on GI - EU protects more than 3000 names of specific food products, public consultation aims to get comments on understanding and opinion of available EU quality schemes. The public consultation is intended to contribute to the objectives of evaluating the overall functioning of EU quality schemes, focusing on registered product names from Member States and third countries sold on the EU internal market. The consultation is open until 27/01/2020.
More information is available here.