
Commissioner for Agriculture and Commissioner for Health have supported reaching an agreement on the Common Agricultural Policy by the end of 2020; Member States should decide on the allocation for eco-schemes or on the shift to plant alternatives

Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski and Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides supported last week the achievement of an agreement on the CAP by the end of 2020, Farm to Fork Strategy should also be presented by the end of the year (According to the Commission in May 2020). According to both Commissioners, the main priority of the Commission will be the European Green Deal; Wojciechowski also mentioned the need to prevent the loss of other small farmers in the EU. According to the Commissioners, the new CAP should make the agricultural sector more environmentally, climate and animal welfare friendly. During the International Green week conference, the Commissioners were asked whether at least 20% of the envelope of the first pillar should be dedicated for eco-schemes, and whether promoting and enhancing sustainability in the food chain means a greater shift towards vegetable alternatives to meat products. Both Commissioners stated that competences should be left to Member States.

Croatia will endeavour to achieve a general approach to the future Common Agricultural Policy by the end of March 2020

Croatia took over the Presidency of the EU Council after Finland in January. According to the Croatian Presidency's plan, HR should seek to achieve a general approach to the future CAP in the Council during the March Ministerial Council on 23-24/03/03. During this Council, HR should also reach an agreement on the rules for the transitional period for 2021. However, according to more realistic estimates, the final agreement on the CAP should not be reached until the second half of 2020 under the DE Presidency. Croatia is also awaiting discussions on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and Brexit, which should take place on 31/01/2020. HR will continue to strengthen the prevention, control and eradication of animal diseases in the EU; in the debate on the adoption of the European Forestry Strategy; in the discussions on the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy.

The German Farmers' Association supported the provision of an adequate budget for the Common Agricultural Policy and a strong budget for direct payments & refused capping of direct payments

Joachim Rukwied, President of the DBV, supported an adequate and stable budget for the CAP, while at the same time ensuring a strong first pillar of the CAP. According to Rukwied, direct payments under the first pillar should amount to at least 60% of the overall envelope for the CAP in order to provide farmers with a stable income. The German DBV also rejected capping and degressivity of direct payments. According to DBV, cross-compliance should be set so that criteria that are not related to setting of first or second pillar, it was removed. According to DBV, eco-schemes should represent 20% of the envelope for the first pillar; in the EU the percentage should be the same for all Member States in order to maintain competitiveness.
More information is available here.

The European Parliament approved a resolution on biodiversity and supported the integration of biodiversity into the budget of the European Union

The European Parliament adopted a motion for a resolution on the 15th meeting of the Conference of Parties (COP15) to the Convention on Biological Diversity during the EP plenary session on 16/01/2020. In its resolution, Parliament called on the Commission and Member States to support the setting of a new global target to reverse the decline of biodiversity at global level by 2030 or to combat desertification and soil degradation. According to Parliament, there should be a clear global objective by 2030 to conserve at least 30% of nature reserves and restore at least 30% of the ecosystems that are recoverable. Parliament also called on the Commission and the Council to set a clear target of spending on integrating the biodiversity theme into the Multiannual Financial Framework.
More information is available here.

Italian police have detected fraud in raising financial support from the European Union's agricultural funds

The Italian police said on 15/01/2019 that it has uncovered the Sicilian mafia, which illegally received a total of € 5.5 million from EU agricultural funds. 94 people were arrested in connection with large-scale fraud. Mafia-related agricultural fraud is a long-standing problem for EU officials, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and the Italian law enforcement authorities in a recent investigation have revealed a very sophisticated and extensive fraud system.
More information is available here.