
Kellogg's food company is committed to using the Nutri-Score system on the packaging of breakfast cereals and cereal bars

Kellogg's food company announced that all packages of breakfast cereals and cereal bars sold in France will be provided with a Nutri-Score labelling system. The label will appear on the packaging already this year and will be fully implemented by the end of 2021. The Nutri-Score is a labelling system developed by the French National Agency for Health and Food Safety (AFSSA). With the voluntary adoption of the Nutri-Score system, Kellogg's joined major food companies, including Nestlé and Danone. At the same time, these companies call for the mandatory nutrition labelling scheme to be harmonized throughout the EU.
More information is available here.

The World Protein Sustainability Association has begun work at the World Economic Forum in Davos

The World Protein Sustainability Association launched its work at the 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. The initiative aims to raise awareness of the challenges of supplying a growing population of people with more diverse and sustainable protein options, finding new creative solutions, and activating them through pilot programs. In the future, the Association may also focus on the area of food waste, more sustainable production of high protein foods, or protection of ecosystems. The Association will publicly report on progress and commitments during 2020.
More information is available here.

Poland plans to introduce legislation to combat African swine fever

The Polish government plans to introduce legislation that should facilitate the fight against the spread of African swine fever (ASF). The new legislation should allow hunters to kill wild pigs both day and night, as well as specifying the length of imprisonment for those found to be preventing these blasts. According to the proposal, the army could be involved in the shooting of wild pigs. According to Minister of Agriculture Jan Krzysztof Ardanowski, both the European Union and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have confirmed the need to blasting off a part of the wild pig population in order to balance the ecosystem. The new legislation has already been approved by the Senate and is now awaiting the President's signature. Only in Estonia due to African swine fever, the number of breeders decreased from 1300 to 130.

Germany and Poland agreed on a joint action plan to combat African swine fever

German Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner and Polish Minister of Agriculture Jan Ardanowski agreed on a joint action plan to prevent the spread of African swine fever to German territory. Infection into Germany is threatened from Poland, the closest case of infection was confirmed only 12 kilometres from the German border. The plan of action includes the construction of a fenced corridor along the borders, intensification of R&D cooperation, and reduction of wild pigs through blasting. Germany is also preparing to eventually spread the disease to its territory - federal authorities will be able to permit the construction of fences at their borders to prevent the migration of wild pigs.

Other confirmed cases of avian influenza in the EU

Last week, Germany confirmed the first case of avian influenza in its territory. Germany thus joined other countries that have already confirmed the disease - Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic or Slovakia, according to some sources and Hungary and Romania. The presence of the disease was also confirmed by Ukraine, near the border with Poland.
More information is available here.