
More than 40 MEPs called for a ban on live animal transport in connection with border restrictions imposed in response to coronavirus spread in the EU

In recent weeks, Member States of the European Union have introduced a number of measures to limit the further spread of coronavirus in the EU, including reinforced border controls and border closure. As a result, waiting times at border crossing points of up to 20 hours were reported last week, and vehicles carrying live animals were also stuck in long columns. In response to this situation, a group of more than 40 MEPs called for a ban on the transport of live animals to third countries and, at the same time, over long distances (more than 8 hours) within the European Union, at least for as long as border restrictions apply. According to MEPs, the continuation of the transport of live animals, even at a long wait at the border, contradicts Article 13 of the Treaty with the European Union, which refers to ensuring animal welfare. The ban on the transport of live animals was also supported by 35 environmental and animal welfare organizations. Last week, these organizations sent a letter to Executive Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans and Commissioners for Agriculture and Rural Development Janusz Wojciechowski and for Health and Food Safety Stella Kyriakides calling for a ban on the transport of live animals during the coronavirus crisis for distances longer than 8 hours and to the third countries.
More information is available here and here.

The European Dairy Association asks the Commission and the Member States to introduce a support system for dairy producers

The European Dairy Association (EDA) has released an update of its document summarizing the situation in the dairy sector during the coronavirus crisis, prior to a video conference of EU agriculture ministers. In the document, the EDA asks the Commission and the Member States to introduce a support system for milk producers, to facilitate the smooth collection and distribution of milk, and to facilitate the movement of labour between Member States. It also calls for the introduction of a private storage aid scheme for stocks of butter, milk powder and cheese and for the priority transport of milk and butter.
More information is available here.

FoodDrinkEurope called on the European Commission to take action to ensure uninterrupted food supply

On 23/03/2020, FoodDrinkEurope, the European organization representing food and beverage producers, called on the European Commission to take measures to ensure uninterrupted food supply within the Single Market of the EU. In particular, FoodDrinkEurope called for tackling the difficult border situation by harmonizing Member States' rules on crossing the border. Together with the European Federation of Trade Unions in the Food, Agriculture and Tourism (EFFAT), FoodDrinkEurope also called for support for workers in the food sector, including food processing, food packaging and transport. Workers should be provided with childcare assistance, protective equipment should be provided, and wages should be compensated if they are temporarily prevented from working. According to FoodDrinkEurope, the European Commission should develop guidelines for Member States to strengthen the protection of food workers.
More information is available here and here.

Germany confirmed another outbreak of avian influenza in Lower Saxony in the Aurich region

The Federal Institute for Animal Health in Germany has confirmed a new outbreak of H5N8 avian influenza on a turkey farm in Dornum, Lower Saxony, Aurich. After the death of 130 turkeys on the farm, the population was officially tested; The District Veterinary Office declared quarantine within a radius of 3 km and an observation area within a radius of 10 km from the outbreak. Tests on two other farms in the area concerned were negative.
More information is available here.

Public consultation: Commission still receives feedback and opinions on the European Animal Welfare Strategy

On 15/03/2020, the Commission launched a public consultation on the European Animal Welfare Strategy. This evaluation aims to assess the extent to which the Strategy delivered against its objectives and the extent to which those are relevant and coherent today. This evaluation will provide input to all future EU animal welfare initiatives. The consultation is open until 15/06/2020, available here.