
The European Parliament has taken action to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences, including aid for the agricultural and food sectors, the MFF or stabilization of the market situation, including support for the private storage regime

European Parliament approved coordinated EU action to combat COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences during plenary on 17/04/2020 - Parliament calls on the Commission and Member States to act together to address the coronavirus crisis, also calls for the creation of a European Health Response Mechanism to better prepare and respond to any type of future health or sanitary crisis. Parliament stresses the need to ensure support for the agricultural and food sectors, while ensuring barrier-free transport of food within the EU single market. Furthermore, as part of the new Multiannual Financial Framework, the European Commission should propose a massive recovery and reconstruction package for investment to support the European economy after the crisis, with the European Green Deal at its core. Furthermore, Parliament proposes the creation of an EU COVID-19 Solidarity Fund of at least € 50 billion, consisting of up to € 20 billion outside the MFF ceilings in grants and up to € 30 billion in loans, guaranteed by the EU Budget. Parliament also stresses the immediate need to do more for SMEs, help them maintain jobs and manage their liquidity. Member States must also take all measures to ensure that workers in Europe, including the self-employed, are protected against loss of income and provide the necessary support and financial liquidity to the most affected companies, especially SMEs. The European Parliament supports measures in favour of the EU agri-food sector and the viability of farms during the crisis, namely through liquidity support via the timely (pre-)payment of direct and second pillar payments, flexibility in the management of aid schemes and in the submission of claims, market monitoring and crisis management (private storage, promotion measures and exceptional measures to allow the Commission to propose additional market measures and time-limited derogations from competition law).
More information is available here.

Council adopts amended EU budget for 2020 with a view to allocating funds to combat COVID-19

On 14/04/2020, the Council of the European Union adopted an amended EU budget for 2020 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic. The EU is making available almost all the remaining money from this year's budget. The Council adopted two proposals amending the EU budget - according to the Council, commitments have been increased overall by €3.57 billion and amount to €172.2 billion. Payments have been increased by €1.6 billion, reaching a total of €155.2 billion. Draft amending budget No 1 earmarks € 115 million for co-financing measures to address the COVID-19 outbreak, € 350 million to support Greece as the country faces increasing migratory pressures, and € 100 million to support Albania in the aftermath of the earthquake that hit the country on 26 November 2019. Draft amending budget No 2 earmarks an additional €3 billion in commitments and €1.53 billion in payments to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic, €2.7 billion will be used to fund the provision of emergency healthcare support such as the stockpiling and distribution of essential resources, the creation of temporary hospitals, and the cross-border transportation of patients. The remaining €300 million will be used to increase capacities for stockpiling, coordinating, and distributing essential medical supplies, such as protective gear and ventilators The European Parliament approved the Council's opinion during the EP plenary on 17/04/2020.
More information is available here, here and here.

Council approves financial assistance for fishery and aquaculture sector, and the European Parliament has already approved the opinion

On 14/04/2020, the Council of the European Union approved a proposal to support the fishery and aquaculture sector to help tackle the negative impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The proposal introduces support in relation to the temporary cessation of fishing activities with a maximum co-financing rate of 75 % of eligible public expenditure, support in relation to the temporary suspension or reduction of aquaculture production and sales, or support to producer organisations and associations of producer organisations for the storage of fishery and aquaculture products. The European Parliament approved the Council's opinion during the EP plenary on 17/04/2020.
More information is available here and here.

The European Commission has adopted measures to increase payment advances and reduce on-the-spot checks to support the agri-food sector

On 16/04/2020, the European Commission adopted two measures to support the agri-food sector. The new measures aim at strengthening farmers' cash flow and reducing administrative burdens for farmers and national and regional authorities. The Commission has taken measures to increase advances of direct payments from 50% to 70% and for rural development payments from 75% to 86%, payments will be available to farmers from mid-October 2020. The Commission also strengthened the flexibility of Member States to pay farmers before completing all on-farm visits. In addition, under the second action taken, the Commission reduced the number of on-the-spot checks from 5% to 3%, and the flexibility of the timing of checks was also strengthened.
More information is available here, here and here.

Agriculture Ministers call on the Commission to provide support to the agricultural sector during the coronavirus crisis, including the introduction of a private storage regime

On 16/04/2020, EU agriculture ministers sent a joint letter to the European Commission calling for support for the agri-food sector during the current coronavirus crisis. Ministers called on the Commission to introduce market measures, including a private storage regime, to strengthen Member States' flexibility in implementing measures under both pillars of the CAP, and to reduce on-the-spot checks. Similarly, a number of European agricultural organizations, including the European Dairy Association or the Copa and Cogeca agricultural organizations, have called on the Commission to introduce market measures, including a private storage regime, due to the fall in prices, especially for dairy products.