
Adoption of the new Common Agricultural Policy could be postponed due to the coronavirus crisis, according to representatives of Germany, Slovenia, and Portugal

Representatives of Germany, Slovenia and Portugal, the countries that will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union after Croatia from July 2020, are also considering a possible postponement of the implementation of the new CAP due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The working framework of the CAP could also be adapted to provide better support and assistance to European farmers and food producers to deal with the consequences of the coronavirus. German Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner said on 08/05/2020 that she did not expect the new CAP rules to be implemented until January 2023 (the new rules were to enter into force in January 2021). According to Klöckner, the ongoing pandemic has delayed the whole negotiation process - the European Parliament should probably vote on its opinion on the CAP during October 2020, the Council is waiting with an opinion on the CAP for an agreement on the Multiannual Financial Framework, which is now being adjusted in the context of the coronavirus crisis. Germany will therefore support a two-year transition period for the CAP, together with stabilizing farmers' incomes, protecting the environment and the climate, and developing rural areas. Germany will take over the presidency of the EU Council after Croatia in July 2020.

The environmental organization Greenpeace called for a recast of the Common Agricultural Policy proposal to strengthen the protection of small farmers

On 04/05/2020, the environmental organization Greenpeace called for a recast of the CAP proposal so that the food and agricultural system protects small farmers from further possible pandemics. Greenpeace also called for the publication of drafts of the European budget for the period 2021-2027, especially in the context of criticisms of the current subsidy payment system. According to Greenpeace's director of EU agricultural policy, the current support framework is damaging small farmers and destroying nature and must therefore be abandoned in favour of a new, more environmentally friendly, and small farmers system.

65 MEPs has called for support for the achievement of external convergence of direct payments

A group of a total of 65 MEPs from the various political groups in the European Parliament sent a letter to the highest representatives of the Member States to ensure that external convergence of direct payments was supported. The Group of MEPs expressed its dissatisfaction with the opinion of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development, which rejected the continuation of external convergence during the vote on the opinion on the transitional period for the CAP (so far only the Committee's opinion). MEPs in their letter say that the current system is weakening the agricultural sector in countries with direct payments well below the EU average. The plenary of the European Parliament should vote on the transitional period this week.
More information is available here.

Agriculture ministers will discuss the impact of the COVID-19 on the agri-food sector and the Commission's market measures to support the sector

Ministers of Agriculture of the Member States will discuss by videoconference on 13/05/2020 the effects of COVID-19 on the agri-food sector and the market measures presented by the European Commission on 22/04/2020 to help the agricultural sector during the pandemic crises. The video conference will also be attended by Janusz Wojciechowski, Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, and Virginijus Sinkevičius, Commissioner for the Environment, agricultural organizations will be represented by Copa and Cogeca during the ministerial meeting. Ministers should discuss whether the market measures taken are sufficient and effective, what further measures should be put in place and how these measures should be financed.

The Special Committee on Agriculture discussed another package of market measures to help the sector during the pandemic crisis; However, the Commission plans to allocate funds to support public health measures, not agriculture

The Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) discussed on 07/05/2020 another possible package of market measures to help the sector during the pandemic crisis. Representatives of the Member States called on the Commission to step up support for the wine (FR), veal and duck (NL), poultry (PL), potatoes (BE) and olive oil (ES) sectors. However, representatives of the European Commission, who were also present at the meeting, said that the funds available under the EU budget would be used as a matter of priority to support measures aimed at public health and not agriculture.