
European Parliament has approved the first part of the aid package for the wine, fruit, and vegetables sectors, which makes it possible to increase flexibility in the use of operational programs

At its Plenary Session of 18/06/2020, the European Parliament approved the first part of the aid package for the wine, fruit and vegetables sectors, the proposal was presented by the Commission on 04/05/2020. Under the new rules, due to the pandemic, farmers should be given more flexibility in using operational programs during the year, and the deadline for the green harvest will be extended.
More information is available here.

European Parliament shall set up a committee to investigate alleged infringements of Union law in relation to the protection of animals during transport

At its Plenary Session on 19/06/2020, the European Parliament approved the EP Decision setting up a committee of inquiry into investigations into alleged infringements of Union law and maladministration in its application in relation to the protection of animals during transport inside and outside the Union. The Committee of Inquiry will have 30 members, will run for 12 months, after which the Committee should submit a final report on the findings. The establishment was approved by 605 votes to 53.
More information is available here.

European Food Safety Authority has published an opinion on the welfare of pigs at slaughter; most mistakes are caused by staff failure

The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has published an opinion on the welfare of pigs at slaughter. The report states that 29 of the 30 errors identified are due to staff failure and lack of training. Animal welfare is a key theme of the Farm to Fork Strategy, with specific legislative proposals planned by the Commission in 2023.
More information is available here.

Due to the persistent drought, the production of cereals and oilseeds will fall

Estimates of European cereal and oilseed production have fallen again from the previous month, according to a survey by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), due to persistent rainfall shortages in northern and western Europe. The estimated percentage yield was more significantly reduced for triticale by 2.2%, for wheat by 2.0% and for rape by 1.7%. The overall European declines are more modest than last month due to improved conditions in RO, ES, HU, and BG.
More information is available here.

The Irish Green Party will support the reduction of fertilizers and the strengthening of organic farming

The Greens joining the Irish government with Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil will pursue their agricultural priorities at European level in a coalition agreement. The coalition agreement includes a reduction in the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers by 2030 as well as an increase in organic farming, which should be partly financed by a strengthening of the carbon tax. The new government will also work to adjust the CAP and strengthen biodiversity.
More information is available here.