
The European Committee of the Regions has launched a public consultation on Farm to Fork, with a deadline of 30/06/2020

The European Committee of the Regions (CoR) is working on its own opinion on Farm to Fork, should be completed by December 2020. The CoR therefore launched a public consultation in mid-June to gather the views of stakeholders. The CoR prepared for consultation a total of ten questions focused on the definition of short supply chains, the functionality of the system during the coronavirus crisis, the transparency of supply chains, sustainable and responsible consumption, and the reduction of food waste. The CoR also emphasizes that the food system is dominated by large agri-food businesses, while small businesses are at a disadvantage, and calls for proposals to strengthen their market access. The Committee also mentions the need to link CAP and Farm to Fork rules, contributors can now submit their contributions on this topic as well. The consultation is only open until 30/06/2020.
More information is available here.

Legally binding targets for food waste reduction will be based on the results of pan-European monitoring

Food and Safety Commissioner Stella Kyriakides said last week that the Commission would build on the first round of pan-European monitoring when setting legally binding food waste reduction targets. The Commission will also aim to include the reduction of food waste and food losses in relevant related EU policies.

The results of the revision of EU animal welfare legislation will be published at the end of 2021

Food Safety and Health Commissioner Stella Kyriakides confirmed the Commission's interest in revising EU animal welfare legislation. The European Food Safety Authority will also be involved in the scientific opinion on the key legislation’s aspekt. The results of the revision should be available at the end of 2021, based on the results of the revision, new legislative proposals will be presented in 2023.
More information is available here.

European Parliament adopted a resolution on the protection of cross-border and seasonal workers, including agricultural workers

During the plenary session of 19/06/2020, the European Parliament approved an EP resolution on the European protection of cross-border and seasonal workers in the context of the coronavirus crisis. Parliament called on the Commission and the Member States to put in place measures to protect cross-border and seasonal workers against COVID-19 and to ensure equal treatment of third-country seasonal workers. Parliament also urges the Commission to ensure that the Farm to Fork strategy and the forthcoming revision of the CAP serve agricultural workers in Europe, including seasonal, migrant, and other mobile workers.
More information is available here.

European Parliament approved a proposal for measures to provide exceptional temporary support under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development

At its Plenary Session of 19/06/2020, the European Parliament approved a proposal for measures to provide exceptional temporary support under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) in response to the spread of COVID-19. According to the Parliament, the maximum amount of aid should not exceed € 7,000 per farmer (Commission proposed € 5,000) and € 50,000 per small or medium-sized enterprise (in line with the Commission proposal), the aid should be paid by 30/06/2021 (Commission proposed payment by 31/12/2020). According to the Parliament, EAFRD support provided under this measure should be limited to a maximum of 2% of the total EAFRD contribution to the rural development program (the Commission proposed 1%).
More information is available here.