More than 130 environmental organizations and independent researchers have called on the European Commission to revise the draft delegated act on taxonomy. In a delegated act, the Commission sets out what measures in the livestock sector could be considered "green", i.e., climate friendly. However, according to environmental organizations, livestock production is highly carbon-intensive, polluting, and closely linked to the problem of deforestation. It also causes problems in the areas of animal welfare and human health. Including the sector in the taxonomy, according to environmental organizations, would slow down the shift to more sustainable, more protein-based consumption. The only exception could be livestock production carried out in an organic regime.
More information is available here.
As of 14/12/2020, 5 outbreaks of the highly pathogenic H5N8 avian influenza virus had been confirmed in France. In the prefecture of Landes, 3 outbreaks on duck farms were confirmed. In the town of Angresse, 3,000 ducks and chickens had to be killed, and 6,000 and 15,000 ducks on the other two affected farms. Two outbreaks have also been detected on duck farms in the prefecture of Vendée. Protection zones of 3 km and surveillance zones of 10 km have been established in the vicinity, in which the movement of poultry is prohibited, and strict hygiene measures must be observed.
More information is available here and here.
On 14/12/2020, the European Commission terminated its license to use the fungicide Mancozeb on the European market. This was based on the evaluation of the European Food Safety Authority of 20/11/2019, which questioned the safety of the active substance Mancozeb. Member States are required to withdraw all products containing it by June 2021.
More information is available here.
The European Commission is discussing the inclusion of measures in the proposed addendum to the EU-Mercosur trade agreement that could limit imports of commodities at high risk of deforestation. The Commission is looking for a mechanism to add an addendum to the text of the agreement with Mercosur, without conflicting with international trade obligations. The Commission is inspired by an EU regulation to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, which has introduced a catch certification system along with a system that can ban imports. Member States have warned that they will not be able to ratify the agreement unless Brazil commits itself to halting deforestation in the Amazon.
More information is available here and here.
The meeting of the Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries, the last under the German Presidency, will take place on 15-16/12/2020 in Brussels. The Council will discuss fishing opportunities for 2021, the extension of measures in the fisheries sector in response to Covid-19, Council conclusions on animal welfare and nutrition labelling on food packaging, the outcome of the EU conference on digitalisation in agriculture and the paying agencies. On the same occasion of the Council meeting, there will also be an informal lunch on the current challenges in agriculture and the trilateral consultation of CZ with PL and DE concerning African swine fever.