
European Commission discusses addendum in trade agreement with Mercosur to help curb imports of deforestation-related commodities in the Amazon

The European Commission is discussing the inclusion of measures in the proposed addendum to the EU-Mercosur trade agreement that could limit imports of commodities at high risk of deforestation. The Commission is looking for a mechanism to add an addendum to the text of the agreement with Mercosur, without conflicting with international trade obligations. The Commission is inspired by an EU regulation to combat illegal, unreported, and unregulated fishing, which has introduced a catch certification system along with a system that can ban imports. Member States have warned that they will not be able to ratify the agreement unless Brazil commits itself to halting deforestation in the Amazon.
More information is available here and here.

Agenda of the December Council of Ministers: fisheries issues, Council conclusions on animal welfare and nutrition labelling, the EU Conference on Digitalisation in Agriculture and paying agencies

The meeting of the Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries, the last under the German Presidency, will take place on 15-16/12/2020 in Brussels. The Council will discuss fishing opportunities for 2021, the extension of measures in the fisheries sector in response to Covid-19, Council conclusions on animal welfare and nutrition labelling on food packaging, the outcome of the EU conference on digitalisation in agriculture and the paying agencies. On the same occasion of the Council meeting, there will also be an informal lunch on the current challenges in agriculture and the trilateral consultation of CZ with PL and DE concerning African swine fever.

European Union leaders agreed on Multiannual Financial Framework and 2030 greenhouse gas reduction targets

On 10-11 / 12/2020, the leaders of the EU member states agreed on the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) and the greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2030. The adoption of the MFF was blocked by Poland and Hungary, which refused to make the disbursement of EU funds conditional on the rule of law. However, an agreement was reached on 10/12/2020, with all Member States supporting the compromise tabled by the German Presidency. EU leaders also agreed on greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2030. These should be reduced by 55% compared to 1990. The Council opinion states that the new 2030 target must be achieved in a way that maintains the EU's competitiveness and considers the different starting positions of the Member States, their specific national conditions, and the potential for reducing emissions.
More information is available here.

The trialogue on the Strategic Plans scheduled for 10/12/2020 has been postponed, the last trialogue under the German Presidency will probably take place on 17/12/2020

The last trialogue on the CAP Strategic Plans under the German Presidency was scheduled for 10/12/2020 but was postponed. The new trialogue should probably take place on 17/12/2020. Issues related to Annex III of the CAP Regulation, i.e., the rules of the GAEC, are currently being discussed. Herbert Dorfmann, the agricultural coordinator of the EPP's political group, said that some progress could be made in this section by the end of the year, however, any further action on other issues is unlikely.

A group of environmental scientists has called for a radical overhaul of the CAP proposals, calling for the abolition of coupled payments

A group of 40 environmental and climate scientists drafted a joint opinion on CAP reform last week, which was sent to EU Commissioners, MEPs, and German Agriculture Minister Julia Klöckner. According to the authors of the opinion, the new CAP proposals are a step backwards. The authors recommend that the protection of permanent pasture be extended beyond protected areas, that decoupled payments be phased out and that payments for ANC areas be made conditional on the fulfilment of strict environmental criteria. According to scientists, none of the opinions on the CAP (Commission, Council, or Parliament) sufficiently reflects the objectives set out in the European Green Deal, Farm to Fork, and the EU Biodiversity Strategy. If the new CAP were set up according to one of the current proposals, then it would meet neither the objectives of the European Green Deal nor its own greening policy objectives.
More information is available here.