
AGRI Committee has approved its opinion on the implementation of the recovery plan, which should be released from 2021 onwards

On 12/10/2020, the EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development adopted an opinion on support for farmers under the second pillar of the CAP from the recovery plan. The opinion was adopted by 46 votes to 0, with 2 abstentions. Funds totalling €8.07 billion (current prices) will be available to farmers already during the transitional period; in 2021, according to the Committee, 30% of the funds should be released. At least 37% of the exceptional support should be allocated to environmental and climate measures, at least 55% to support start-ups for young farmers, investments on farms, and support for sustainable and digital recovery in accordance with the Europe Green Deal. According to the Committee, co-financing of investments should be possible at 80% (the Commission proposed 40%). The opinion must now be approved by the EP plenary, a date has not yet been set.
More information is available here.

European Commission adopts EU methane strategy, supports livestock feed changes and stable modernization, does not propose binding methane reduction targets

On 14/10/2020, the European Commission adopted an EU strategy for methane in the context of commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the European Green Deal. The European Commission is working to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, and to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. The new strategy sets out action to reduce methane emissions not only in the EU but also worldwide. It includes several legislative and non-legislative measures in energy, agriculture, and waste management. In the case of agriculture, data collection should be improved and opportunities to reduce emissions through the CAP should be strengthened. The Commission states that the emphasis will be on sharing best practices on innovative methane reduction technologies, animal nutrition and breeding. Targeted research in technology, nature-friendly solutions and changing eating habits will also help. The strategy presented by the Commission does not mention binding targets for methane reduction, nor proposals for reducing herd size in intensive agricultural production or changing the diet of EU citizens. In the first half of 2021, the Commission will launch an expert group to monitor and analyse the life cycle of methane emissions from agriculture, focusing on livestock production, manure management, and feed options. By the end of 2021, the Commission will draw up a list of examples of best practice, and in 2022 will provide guidance on common procedures for quantifying greenhouse gas emissions and removals. From 2021, the Commission will support the introduction of abatement technologies through the wider use of "carbon farming" in the Member States in the CAP strategic plans.
More information is available here, here and here.

European Commission will provide a grant of €2 million to support the development of laboratory meat

Last week, the European Commission approved a grant of almost €2 million to support the Meat4All project, which aims to develop laboratory meat. According to the project coordinators, meat grown in laboratories should be one of the key foods of the future.
More information is available here.

Germany has already confirmed 70 cases of African swine fever

As of 14/10/2020, Germany had already confirmed 70 cases of African swine fever (ASF), all in feral pigs. Further cases of AFSF were detected in Brandenburg last week, and the German Ministry of Agriculture (BMEL) continues to emphasize that domestic pig farms in Germany have not been affected.
More information is available here and here.

A group of 86 MEPs is calling for an end to cage farming and a strengthening of animal welfare measures

A group of 86 MEPs from different countries and political factions supported the end of cage farming on 13/10/2020 during a webinar organized by Compassion in World Farming. The 86 MEPs sent a joint letter to the European Commission, emphasizing the strengthening of animal welfare measures under the Europe Green Deal and the cessation of cage farming.
More information is available here.