On 12/03/2021, the European Commission published results of the online public consultation on the Long-term vision for rural areas. The public consultation took place from 07/09/2020 to 30/11/2020. More than 50% of respondents identified the improvement of infrastructure and services as the most urgent need for rural areas. The findings of the public consultation will be presented at Rural Development Week, organized by the European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) on 22/3 - 26/3/2021.
More information is available here.
On 16/03/2021, the Commission launched feedback on the EU chemical analysis database to protect the identity of origin and quality of wines. The initiative aims to improve the legal framework for the database to reduce fraud in the wine sector. The consultation is open until 13/04/2021, available here.
On 17/03/2021, the Commission launched feedback on funding clean technologies. The aim of the initiative is to propose a change in the procedure for submitting applications for funding from the EU’s Innovation Fund for the financing of so-called clean technologies. The consultation is open until 14/04/2021, available here.
On 19/03/2021, the Commission initiated feedback on designation of official laboratories to analyse samples taken during checks on animals, plants, food, and feedstuffs. The consultation is open until 16/04/2021, available here.
On 17/03/2021, the Commission launched feedback on sustainable products initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to revise the Ecodesign Directive and subsequently propose new legislative measures to ensure greater sustainability of products. The consultation is open until 09/06/2021, available here.
Last week, the EP's Committee on International Trade adopted its opinion on Farm to Fork – on parts related to international trade. The opinion will complement the opinions of the COMAGRI (Agriculture and Rural Development) and COMENVI (environment) committees, focusing only on trade-related issues. It can now only be rejected by the plenary of the European Parliament. The Committee on International Trade proposes a sanction-based dispute settlement mechanism to halt global deforestation and strengthen labour standards in third countries. Access to innovation in new breeding techniques should also be ensured. Finally, in its opinion, the Committee calls on the European Commission to carry out a cumulative assessment of the impact of Farm to Fork on the EU's agri-food sector. The COMAGRI and COMENVI committees are expected to vote on their common position in June 2021 (03/06/2021).
The European Commission is preparing a proposal for a strengthened due diligence system to prevent deforestation in third countries. The proposal should be submitted in June 2021 and should oblige all economic operators to be able to demonstrate that there is no deforestation in their own supply chain. The criteria of the new strengthened system should be applied internationally. The new system should include setting parameters that should help determine whether a country, region or administrative area is a problem area for deforestation. If products or commodities from these problem areas were to enter EU markets, Member States would have to apply a higher level of controls to these products or commodities to ensure that deforestation or forest damage did not occur during production. According to the Commission, sanctions for European companies for non-compliance with the new enhanced due diligence system should be decided by the national administrative or criminal justice system.
On 15/03/2021, the European Commission adopted the first strategic plan for Horizon Europe, the new EU research and innovation programme worth €95.5 billion in current prices. The Strategic Plan identifies four strategic orientations for research and innovation investments under Horizon Europe for the next four years: Promoting an open strategic autonomy by leading the development of key digital, enabling, and emerging technologies, sectors, and value chains; Restoring Europe's ecosystems and biodiversity and managing sustainably natural resources; Creating a more resilient, inclusive and democratic European society.
More information is available here.