
The CAP super-trilogue will take place on 25-27/05/2021, the Council of Agriculture Ministers will meet in parallel

Last week, the Portuguese Presidency confirmed the date of the next CAP super-trilogue, during which all three parts of the reformed package (strategic plans, horizontal issues, common market organization) will be discussed, the super-trilogue will take place on 25-27/05/2021. Following the efforts of the Portuguese Presidency and other institutions to reach an agreement on the CAP package by the end of May 2021, the super-trilogue will take place for the first time in a multi-day format. The Council should meet on 26-27/05/2021.
More information is available here.

The European Parliament has adopted the Horizon Europe research and innovation program for 2021-2027

During its plenary session on 27/04/2021, the European Parliament adopted the Horizon Europe research and innovation program for 2021-2027, with a total budget of €95.5 billion. The program provides short-term and long-term funding for research and innovation related to global challenges such as the fight against climate change, digitization, and the coronavirus pandemic. The research program was adopted by 661 votes to 5, with 33 abstentions.
More information is available here.

The Commission adopts feedback and opinions on traditional names in the wine sector

On 30/04/2021, the Commission launched feedback on an amendment to the procedure for changing traditional names in the wine sector. The initiative aims to amend the provisions to rectify this omission. The consultation is open until 28/05/2021, available here.

Orchards and vineyards across Europe suffered in early April due to unusually low temperatures

Orchards and vineyards across Europe suffered in early April due to unusually low temperatures, according to the Joint Research Centre (JRC). The warm March accelerated the inflorescence of many fruits, making the sudden drop in temperature even more destructive. Vineyards and orchards growing stone fruits suffered the most, while to a lesser extent low temperatures damaged pears and apple trees. Frosts have also slowed the growth of winter crops and delayed the planting of spring crops.
More information is available here.

Agenda for the April Council of Ministers: CAP reform, the situation on commodity markets, trade-related issues, evaluation of the EU's animal welfare strategy and marking of eggs used for food production

The informal meeting of the Council of Ministers for Agriculture and Fisheries will take place on 26/04/2021 in the form of a video conference. The Council will discuss a package of CAP reform measures, ministers will hear information from the Commission on the situation in commodity markets and will address trade-related issues. Under the "AOB" point, the Commission will first present an evaluation of the animal welfare strategy, finally, the German delegation will report on the issue of marking eggs used in the production of food products.