On 29/11/2021, the Commission launched feedback on the evaluation of the Environmental Liability Directive. The evaluation aims to identify the shortcomings of the Directive and to assess whether the Directive fulfils its purpose. The consultation is open until 27/12/2021, available here.
On 30/11/2021, the Commission launched feedback on measures to reduce the environmental impact of microplastic pollution. The initiative aims to label, standardize, certify, and regulate the main sources of microplastics that have inadvertently entered the environment. The consultation is open until 28/12/2021, available here.
The European Commission does not rule out the introduction of a regulatory framework for plants derived using new genomic techniques (NGT). A webinar entitled "New genomic techniques - the way forward for safe and sustainable innovation in the agri-food sector", organized by the European Commission on 29/11/2021, also discussed whether and, if so, how the EU could create a regulatory framework for plants obtained through NGT, which will combine ensuring a high level of security while taking advantage of modern innovations. European Commission Executive Vice-President Frans Timmermans and Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, supported the NGT, saying that plants grown with NGT had the potential to contribute to more sustainable and sustainable agri-food production goals. Proponents of NGT include French Agriculture Minister Julien Denormandie, who calls for the rapid adoption of sustainability criteria for NGT to help meet climate goals.
More information is available here.
Researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research at the Medical University of Vienna described most of the studies used by France, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Hungary in assessing glyphosate as unreliable. The Glyphosate Evaluation Group (FR, SE, HU, NL) based its opinion on a total of 35 studies, working on the opinion from 2019 to June 2021. On 15/06/2021, the group submitted an evaluation concluding that the classification of glyphosate as dangerous for mutagenicity, toxicity to reproduction, specific target organ toxicity and carcinogenicity was not justified. According to the Group's recommendations, glyphosate cannot be qualified as an endocrine disruptor either. The opinion of the Glyphosate Evaluation Group was drafted as the license to use glyphosate expires on 15/12/2022. However, according to researchers from the Institute for Cancer Research, out of a total of 35 studies on which the Group (FR, SE, NL, HU) was based, only 2 studies were reliable. 15 studies were partially reliable, and even 18 out of a total of 35 studies were completely unreliable (these were often studies submitted directly by industry).
More information is available here.
As part of its forthcoming presidency of the Council of the EU (01/01/2022 - 30/06/2022), France plans to focus on several agricultural issues (including, for example, food labelling or pesticide reduction), and so-called mirror clauses in trade agreements with third countries. These clauses should ensure that agricultural commodities and foodstuffs imported from third countries into the European market comply with European environmental production standards. The topic of mirror clauses was also discussed at the EP Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development on 29/11/2021, which was also attended by representatives of the European Commission (Flavio Coturni, DG TRADE). Coturni said in the discussion that mirror clauses could be introduced, but subject to certain conditions. According to Coturni, the EU would have to prove at international level that there is a global (not just local) problem that needs to be addressed by introducing mirror clauses (such as biodiversity loss). In addition, the clauses would have to be non-discriminatory and proportionate. However, according to Coturni, it is important not to overestimate the degree of influence that mirror clauses could have, because these third countries sell to the EU only a small proportion of what they produce. In addition, WTO rules would have to be respected.
More information is available here.
The European Parliament approved a package of new CAP rules during the 23/11 plenary session in Strasbourg. Parliament approved the new rules by a large majority, the Strategic plans were supported by 452 MEPs, 178 against, 57 abstentions; Horizontal regulation was supported by 485 MEPs, 142 against, 61 abstentions; and the CMO regulation was supported by 487 MEPs, 130 against, 71 abstentions. In addition, Parliament also supported the requirement that imported agricultural products should meet internal European health and environmental standards.
More information is available here, here, and here.