
The European Commission has adopted recommendations to help companies calculate the environmental and climate impact of their production; The document also contains several recommendations for the food industry

In mid-December 2021, the European Commission issued Commission Recommendation (EU) 2021/2279 on the use of environmental footprint measurement methods to measure and communicate the environmental life cycle profile of products and organizations. The revised recommendation on the use of environmental footprint methods should help companies calculate their environmental impact based on reliable, verifiable, and comparable information and give other entities (such as public authorities, NGOs, business partners) access to this information. The document also contains several recommendations for the food industry.
More information is available here.

European Commission's public consultation on food labelling - revision of rules on information provided to consumers is still open for feedback

In mid-December 2021, the European Commission launched a public consultation on food labelling - revision of rules on information provided to consumers. The revision covers front-of-pack nutrition labelling, origin labelling and expiry dates, which are key measures in the Farm to Fork strategy. The consultation also focuses on the labelling of alcoholic beverages in accordance with the Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. The second initiative, also part of the Farm to Fork strategy, concerns the establishment of nutrient profiles to reduce the use of claims on foods that do not meet the nutritional quality. The consultation is available here.

France emphasizes the strengthening of common harmonized rules for the use of plant protection products; proposes the introduction of maximum residue limits for imports from third countries

During the first meeting of the Agriculture and Fisheries Council on 17/01/2022, the French Minister for Agriculture, Julien Denormandie, confirmed that the Presidency would present an important task in strengthening the Common Framework for the use of plant protection products under harmonized rules within the EU. He also confirmed that France would not propose a ban on the use of plant protection products without a functional alternative. He promised to present a document for political discussion during the February Council meeting, which will be the basis for the adoption of the Council Decision in March 2022, when the European Commission is due to present its report on the revision of the Pesticides Sustainable Use Directive (SUD). It should also serve as standard rules for imported products from third countries with the introduction of the so-called Reciprocity of maximum residue limits for imported products.
More information is available here.

The European Commission is allocating € 185.9 million to agri-food promotion programs for 2022 to support the objectives of the Green Deal and sales to third country markets, a call for proposals has been launched

In 2022, the European Commission will allocate € 185.9 million to agri-food promotion policy inside and outside the EU. The key criteria for obtaining funding are set so that the promotion is focused primarily on meeting the objectives of the European Green Deal, the promotion of organic production, fruit and vegetables, sustainable agriculture, and animal welfare. The European Commission's priority is also a campaign targeting markets with high growth potential, such as Japan, South Korea, Canada, and Mexico. On 20/01/2022, the European Commission launched a call for proposals for European agri-food promotion programs for 2022 in the EU and abroad. Of the total € 185.9 million, € 176.4 million is earmarked for the co-financing of promotion programs, but the programs will have to be in line with the ambitions of the European Green Deal, they will have to support the objectives of the Farm to Fork strategy, the Action plan for organic production in the EU and the Commission communication on the ECI "End the Cage Age". Proposals can be submitted until 21/04/2022 until 17:00 here.

The European Parliament has adopted a position to protect livestock during transport, calling for stricter rules

At its Plenary Session of 20/01/2022, the European Parliament adopted its own position on the protection of animals during transport. The opinion was adopted by 557 votes to 57, with 78 abstentions.
More information is available here.