
French organic farmers urge Paris to cover €850 million hole

Faced with a financial hole of €853 million for organic and mountain areas farming, France’s Agriculture Minister Stéphane Travert decided to review the allocation of funds under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2018-2020. France notified the European Commission yesterday (1 August) that it would transfer 4.2% of the funds from the direct payments pillar to the second pillar of rural development in order to support young farmers, organic production and farming in mountainous areas. Read more.

Glyphosate: extending authorisation only if EU states say yes

The wrangle over re-authorising the pesticide active agent glyphosate goes on and on. Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, from the European Health and Food Safety Commission, has stated that this active agent will be approved for a further 10 years only with the agreement of member states. Member states mull glyphosate decision ahead of September 1 deadline. Read more about glyphosate on the Commission's website

EU school children to receive milk, fruit and vegetables

The newly merged EU school fruit, vegetables and milk scheme is set to enter into force tomorrow (August 1), so that programmes can run for the 2017/18 school year.The new school scheme forms part of Commissioner Hogan's simplification agenda. It allows for greater synergies and efficiencies in the implementation of the new scheme, and complements other measures in the areas of health and education policies. Read more.

EU-China special products pact offers bright future for Europe’s exports

In June, the EU and China published a list of 200 European and Chinese geographical indications (GIs) that are protected on their respective markets, as part of a bilateral deal that should be concluded by December. Both parties submitted 100 denominations each but many European items, particularly those from Italy, have been left off the list. Read more.

Farmers and agri-co-operatives demand 15-year reauthorisation of glyphosate

Two European agricultural organisations (COCERAL and Copa-Cogeca) sent a joint letter to Member States this week calling for the full 15 years re-authorisation of the herbicide active substance glyphosate. They underline that glyphosate is the most widely used herbicide and its use is important together with catch crops to prevent soil erosion and cut greenhouse gas emissions. You can download the letter here.