
Publication of latest agri-food trade figures: EU agri-food exports are holding strong

The value of EU agri-food exports reached €137.9 billion in 2017, corresponding to a sustained increase by 5.1% in value terms compared to 2016. Published today by the European Commission, the latest monthly trade report details the export values for different sectors and origin. Major gains in annual values have been achieved in agri-food exports to the USA (+6%), Russia (+16%) and several Asian markets: Japan (+11%), China (+5%), Hong Kong (+10%) and South Korea (+13%). The sectors of wine, pet food and spirits and liqueurs performed very well in terms of exports over the last 12 months. On the other hand, wheat and other cereals and pig meat exports decreased. EU agri-food imports also increased but at a slower pace than exports meaning that the trade balance for agri-food products remains positive with an export surplus at €20.5 billion.

EU regulation on BPA in FCMs published

European Commission published the regulation on The use of bisphenol A in varnishes and coatings intended to come into contact with food in the Official Journal of the European Union. The regulation amends the food contact plastics Regulation (EU) No 10/2011 regarding the use of bisphenol A (BPA, CAS 80-05-7) in plastic food contact materials (FCMs). The specific migration limit for BPA from plastic FCMs is lowered to 0.05 mg/kg food and now also applies to varnishes and coatings. Further, the regulation bans the migration of BPA from plastic FCMs (including varnishes and coatings) containing food intended for infants and children of 0-3 years. Also, the use of BPA in the manufacture of infant ‘sippy’ cups is prohibited.

Oettinger: EU budget should increase despite Brexit funding gap

The EU’s next seven-year budget should increase, despite the impending departure of the UK from the bloc, Budget Commissioner Günther Oettinger said on Wednesday. Spending between 2021 and 2027 should be between 1.1% and 1.2% of EU gross national income, compared to the 1%, he said.

EU long-term budget after 2020: Commission set out options

The European Commission has set out three options for the post-2020 CAP finances, of which two scenarios foresee significant budget cuts (- 15% and - 30%) which would lead to a noticeable drop in farmers’ incomes. Talks on the MFF will start at a European Council summit next Friday (23 February). The Commission will table a formal budget proposal on 2 May. Commission's Communication is available here.

The European Commission will prepare the European protein plan by the end of 2018

The European Commission is committed to prepare a report on a Protein Plan for Europe, which is planned to be published by the end of 2018. The EU demand for feed protein amounts to around 45 million tonnes of crude protein/year. out of which one third is met by soya. For this protein source, the EU self-sufficiency is particularly low with only 5% of EU use. However, EU self-sufficiency is much higher (92%) for feed proteins supplied by unprocessed crops like cereals, oilseeds and pulses.