
The European Parliament has adopted a non-binding report on endocrine disruptors, asking the Commission for the same approach as to carcinogenic substances

The European Parliament adopted a non-binding report on endocrine disruptors on 18/04/2019. In its report, Parliament asks the Commission to proceed with the evaluation and approval of these substances the same way they do with substances that are classified as carcinogenic. The Commission should also ensure minimisation of human exposure to this substance as quickly as possible. Parliament has also called on the Commission to propose legislations that would limit the occurrence of endocrine disruptors in plastics, ink or ceramics that come into contact with food. The report was adopted by 447 votes in favour, 14 against, 41 abstentions.
More information is available here.

France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden will take responsibility for assessing safety of glyphosate

France, Hungary, the Netherlands and Sweden will take over from Germany the responsibility for assessing the safety of glyphosate, the world's most widespread pesticide, from 2020 onwards. This decision was unanimously approved on 15/04/2019 by the EC Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed. In June 2021, these four countries must submit a report on glyphosate safety to the European Food Safety Authority, which will then decide whether glyphosate meets the safety criteria for further use. European Union member states will vote in December 2022 on a possible extension of the license to use this substance.

Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development has supported an increase in the import quota for chicken meat from Ukraine

The European Commission, together with representatives of Ukraine, has agreed to increase the EU import quota for poultry meat by 50,000 tonnes to 70,000 tonnes. According to Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development, Phil Hogan, despite a relatively significant increase in quota, the resulting quota is still lower than the total import of chicken meat from Ukraine in 2018. Given the fear of a sharp increase in chicken meat production in Ukraine, resulting in a significant increase in imports if no clear limits were set, Commissioner Hogan believes that an increase in the quota of 70,000 tonnes is relevant. According to the Commissioner, the new agreement has prevented unrestricted exports and set a limit that Ukraine must respect.

Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development rejects criticism of African milk producers of skimmed milk powder export from the European Union to Africa

In mid-April, milk producers from West Africa expressed dissatisfaction with the import of low-quality skimmed milk powder (SMP) with the addition of palm oil that is sold at low prices to the African market and by those damages the local industry. African representatives associate the strengthening of imports with the payment of subsidies from the EU Common Agricultural Policy combined with overproduction of milk after the end of milk quotas in 2015. Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development Phil Hogan has however rejected the criticism of African producers. He said that only 90,000 tonnes of SMP are exported to West African countries out of a total EU 1.15 billion tonnes of SMP exports. According to Hogan, adding palm oil makes SMP more resilient to climatic conditions, while allowing SMP to be placed on markets in Africa at affordable prices for local consumers, whose demands the local production is still unable to meet.

The European Commission has approved an offer to sell 33 tonnes of skimmed-milk powder from intervention stocks

On 16/04/2019, the European Commission approved, within the 35th wave of intervention sales, an offer to sell 33 tonnes of skimmed-milk powder (SMP) from intervention stocks at a minimum price of 166.0 € / 100 kg. The prices offered ranged between 158.10 € / 100 kg and 166.00 € / 100 kg, bids only came from FI. Since 13/12/2016, the Commission has approved the sale of a total of 393.537 tonnes of SMP, of which 378.587 tonnes were sold in the end. There should now be around 1.100 tonnes of SMP in intervention stocks. The next tender will take place on 21/05/2019.
More information is available here.